Filed under: Health and Fitness, Running Gear and Apparels

My New Diadora Mythos Samurai III

by on Dec 1st, 2011

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After a tiring day at work, I came home to find something sitting on my bed. At a distance, it looked like a regular box. I knew my brother Vince was giving me a pair of shoes, but I had no idea what kind. I had no idea it would be a pair of Diadora Mythos Samurai III running shoes! Nice!

Diadora is an Italian athletic footwear and apparel manufacturer that began way back in 1948. They are more popular for their line of soccer shoes rather than running shoes.  So anyway, I quickly opened the box and smelled the fresh scent of new rubber! Can’t wait to test it out on the road! I also loved the color – PURPLE. Not exactly my favorite color, but a color I love nonetheless because of it’s uniqueness and flashiness! Perfect for running shoes and accessories. But anyway, what exactly makes the shoe/brand special anyway?


I have yet to try it on in a run, but here’s what I’ve realized so far:

  • It’s REALLY LIGHT. There are shoes that I’ve tried where I instantly said “ang bigat! (it’s so heavy)” just upon trying it. Well for the Mythos Samurai III, I’d say it felt really light and FLEXIBLE! It was easy to walk and jog with it. The shoe twisted and bent with my feet!

  • See those screen-like stuff under your shoes? Those aren’t just placed there for decorative purposes, those actually make running much “cooler” for us…literally! Those holes help regulate and remove sweat formed on our feet when we run! Talk about a personal built-in drainage system!

  • And what about those holes on the innersoles? Well, they help keep your feet sweat free as air can flow freely because of these!


Overall, I’d say it’s a good buy of great value! Perfect especially for newbie runners who are still adjusting to the new sport! See you all on the road!



Cheryl Villareal is a preschool teacher and the owner/ editor-in-chief of On weekdays, she could be found teaching her little tots while Sundays are her workout days. She easily enjoys simple things and loves experiencing new things! Her blog is simply a way for her to share these experiences with people. Besides her blog, she also contributes and writes various articles on Follow her on Twitter

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