Filed under: Family, Featured, Teaching Ideas

Draw a Family Portrait

by on Feb 3rd, 2011

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This January, we are learning all about our families. So after telling the kids a story about families, we decided to let them draw their own.

Children’s drawings are more important than most think. To some, their drawings might just look like random scribbles, to others, they might just look like normal drawings of a 3 year old child, but what most fail to realize is how the tiniest bit of detail is already a window to the child’s feelings and emotions towards these people.

If a child can already draw, and chooses to draw one member of the family as a stick person, it could mean something else. The sizes of the members is also a detail to watch out for. If the child draws his siblings bigger than his parents, it could mean he looks up to his siblings more than his parents. If he chooses not to draw a face on one of the members, it could also mean something. Of course, the situation always varies so don’t immediately be alarmed without analyzing it first.

Here are some drawings by my students. Don’t forget to ask them to share about their drawings so you could help write it down for them.

Aren’t my toddlers great artists? :)


Cheryl Villareal is a preschool teacher and the owner/ editor-in-chief of On weekdays, she could be found teaching her little tots while Sundays are her workout days. She easily enjoys simple things and loves experiencing new things! Her blog is simply a way for her to share these experiences with people. Besides her blog, she also contributes and writes various articles on Follow her on Twitter

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