Filed under: Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Random thoughts

On the Run…

by on Jul 11th, 2010

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I started running around 1 year ago because of my fiance. His office mates run in particular events just for the fun of it. One Sunday, he invited me to join them. That Sunday, I ran 5 kilometers for more than an hour! Oh wait, let me rephrase… I ran 1 km and walked 4 km for more than an hour! ha!

Here’s the thing with running, you have to set goals. On my first run, I ran for more than an hour. I promised myself I’d be faster on my next run. I kept that promise. Today, more than 12 runs later, I’m able to finish the 5km race between 25 to 35min.  My secret? Just keep an eye on the posts and stoplights and make them your short term goals. Here’s a typical conversation with myself when I run…

Waterrrr!!! I quit! I quit! Oh look, a tree 3 blocks away… RUN RUN RUN!!!

haha As weird as it may seem, these things are what motivate me to keep running. It’s all in the mind, as long as you keep moving those legs, you can’t lose. Here’s a famous running quote by Jacqueline Gareau that I like to keep in mind when on the run,

“The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it tells you to stop but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy…It is not age; it is not diet. It is the will to succeed.”

That’s it for now, but I will try to talk more about my runs soon! Take care and keep running!


Cheryl Villareal is a preschool teacher and the owner/ editor-in-chief of On weekdays, she could be found teaching her little tots while Sundays are her workout days. She easily enjoys simple things and loves experiencing new things! Her blog is simply a way for her to share these experiences with people. Besides her blog, she also contributes and writes various articles on Follow her on Twitter

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