Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Teaching Ideas

Triangles on a Triangle Hat

by on Nov 13th, 2010

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It’s always fun to work with collages when we’re studying a certain concept. A collage of shapes, collage of numbers and other things that we can think of. However, it can also get boring if we just keep doing the collage over and over again without adding any twists. So for our lesson on triangles, we decided to make a triangle hat!

I honestly thought at first that it wasn’t going to be a cute activity. I thought it was too simple. But that day, the kids taught me that simplicity is beauty. We don’t need to get too complicated when it comes to art, the important thing is that we have fun!


What you will need:

  • Large paper for the hat
  • Triangle shapes
  • Glue
  • Scissors



Step 1: Cut out a large circle for the hat and make a slit up to the center


Step 2: Twist the circle by the slit to make it a hat


Step 3: Let the children glue on the triangle shapes



Step 4: Voila! Your triangle hat!


Cheryl Villareal is a preschool teacher and the owner/ editor-in-chief of On weekdays, she could be found teaching her little tots while Sundays are her workout days. She easily enjoys simple things and loves experiencing new things! Her blog is simply a way for her to share these experiences with people. Besides her blog, she also contributes and writes various articles on Follow her on Twitter

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